
Basic Usage

Basic Usage

'simiki' command available after installed Simiki.

# View help documentation
$ simiki -h

# Generate html pages to output directory (must under root directory of site)
$ simiki g

# Generate html pages(include draft pages) to output directory (must under root directory of site)
$ simiki g --draft

# Local preview mode (develop mode)
$ simiki p

# Local preview mode, with bind IP and port, such as bind to every available IP address and port 8888
$ simiki p --host --port 8888

# Local preview mode, with watch content directory
# Auto update and generate html pages if there is change
$ simiki p -w

# Check and update builtin scripts and themes after upgrade Simiki (such as and simple2 theme)
$ simiki update

The content directory watcher is base on watchdog, there are some dependencies and caveats with different platforms, more details are given in watchdog installation

Extended Tools

Simiki use Fabric as extended tool, based on Python. The provide some management for remote operation.

Make sure you have installed Fabric before using it, with pip:

$ pip install fabric will exists after initialled wiki site.

Some operation need support form _config.yml, more details view Configuration

# View sub-commands
$ fab -l
Available commands:

    commit  Git commit source changes with all tracked/untracked files
    deploy  Deploy your site, support rsync / ftp / github pages

# Use commit sub-command to fast commit changes if wiki site is managed with git.
$ fab commit

# Make sure the `deploy` settings in `_config.yml`
$ fab deploy

# If configured multiple deploy items, you can only run one specified item
$ fab deploy:type=rsync